Canterbury Senior Secondary School Champs

Canterbury Senior Secondary School Champs offers schools in the Canterbury region a wonderful opportunity to  experience a competitive tournament atmosphere. 

Canterbury Champs is also the seeding tournament for the National School Secondary School Championships later in the month.

The tournament is aimed at senior teams (year 11-13)

​​Seedings for Canterbury Champs are based on Monday night results in Term 1.  

Where teams are tied on points and round-robin games have not been completed, head to head result will be the priority over set ratio.

Where teams are tied on points and the full round-robin has been completed - set ratio will be the priority.

​Our Canterbury Secondary School Champs is used in combination with the School Sport Canterbury Monday Night competition to calculate Canterbury's teams seedings at the National Secondary School Champs.  A teams result in these Canterbury Champs has a rating of 70%, and is combined with the Monday night competition rating of 30%

2025 Dates:​​​​​​​ Friday 14th to Sunday 16th March

Team Entry Fees: $400.00

Registrations have closed. 

2025 Scoresheet information - Enter your team list for Canterbury Seniors here