This is the first offical step on the referee pathway. To become a locally qualified referee a candidate must complete the theory course, pass a simple test and be practically assessed.
Click here for our fully qualified local referees
Click here for local referee candidates (theory & test completed - still need to be practically assessed)
Theory courses & the test are scheduled in November each year (prior to Canterbury Juniors) and February each year (prior to Mainland Champs, Canterbury Seniors, School Nationals and Satellite).
Local Referee Qualification is Required for:
Canterbury Junior Champs, all Senior High School Tournaments (Canterbury Champs, Mainland Champs, Satellite and New Zealand Senior School Championships) as well as the local Premier Volleyball League (Monday night) - Div 2 & 3.
Handy reference card for refereeing calls: Referee Hand Signals
CVA runs the theory component in conjunction with our wonderful hub referee schools.
- Lincoln High School
- Cashmere High School
- Middleton Grange
- Rangiora New Life
- Riccarton High School
Theory Courses in February 2025.
The theory course will run for approximately 1 hour and are open to anybody that would like to be a local referee. The theory test is completed online after the theory course. Please click on a link below to register.
- Wednesday 12th Feburary, 5pm - Rangiora New Life. Registrations have Closed.
- Thursday 13th Feburary, 5:30pm - Middleton Grange - Registrations have Closed.
- Tuesday 18th Feburaray, 5:30pm - Cashmere High School - Registrations have now closed.
- Wednesday 19th Feburary, 4pm - Lincoln High School - Registrations have closed.
- Thursday 20th Feburary, 5:30pm - Riccarton High School - Registrations have closed.
- Friday 7th March, 6pm - St Margarets College - Register here
If your school is interested in becoming a local referee hub school please get in contact with us for more information -
Practical Assessement
Practical assessments are usually performed at school and club tournaments. However, it is possible to organise assessments at premier division games during the Monday night school competition or Div 1 or 2 Monday night club competition.
It is the responsibility of the local referee candidate to arrange a practical assessment time. Please email